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Important Points about Guardianship

Friday, June 17th, 2022

An Ineffective Power of Attorney

Friday, June 10th, 2022

Planned Benefits for Veterans

Friday, June 3rd, 2022

Comparing ABLE Accounts to Special Needs Trusts

Sunday, May 15th, 2022

If you are caring for a loved one with special needs, you have probably heard about a new way to set aside money for his or her future without losing access to federal benefits by using an ABLE Account. ABLE is short for Achieving a Better Life Experience, and the long-anticipated ABLE Accounts are the result of the ABLE Act which was passed by Congress in 2014.

Estate Planning, Part 1: The Basics

Sunday, May 15th, 2022

With the next three blogs, we will review the basics of Estate Planning. 

We understand that many people look at their checking and savings accounts and decide they really don’t have an estate, but those people are wrong. Your estate is more than just money in the bank. It includes your home, your business, retirement and investment accounts, life insurance policies and your personal belongings – it all adds up! 

ESTATE PLANNING, Part 2: Transfer of Wealth

Sunday, May 15th, 2022

This is part 2 of a three-part series of blogs on the basics of Estate Planning. Broadly speaking, the goal of an estate plan is to give you peace of mind and to preserve family harmony after you die. We can help in three ways:

ESTATE PLANNING, Part 3: Protection

Sunday, May 15th, 2022

This is part 3 of a three-part series of blogs on the basics of Estate Planning. Broadly speaking, the goal of the estate plan is to give you peace of mind and to preserve family harmony after you die. We can help in three ways:

How To Be a Wise and Generous Grandparent

Sunday, May 15th, 2022

We consult with many couples who, through hard work and careful spending, have estates which allow them to help their children and grandchildren by giving them gifts of money now and by making generous provisions in their estate plans.  In most cases, these couples want to be ‘fair’ to their family members but they also acknowledge that the needs of their children and grandchildren vary. Some need money now to pay for summer camp for their children, a down-payment on a house, college tuition, a new car or a wedding. Some are doing great and don’t need help from grandma and grandpa right now.

Medicaid Debates are Important to All Seniors

Sunday, May 15th, 2022

I expect that you have an opinion about the health-care debates going on in Washington – even if your opinion is that you don’t care anymore!

But, one aspect of the debate that you may want to pay more attention to, is the fate and funding of Medicaid. Why? Because you or a loved one may – I dare say are likely – to need Medicaid yourself someday.

Our Resources Will Help You Share Your Plans

Sunday, May 15th, 2022

You’ve done it! You finally have a solid Estate Plan. 

Now you need to talk about it, but you may feel nervous about having “The Talk” with your adult children. And, that’s not unusual. It’s not easy to tell your children that you’ve planned your funeral, decided what life-or-death decisions you want made if you are ill, or that they won’t inherit much because you plan to travel the world for the next six months!

Professional Help Can Un-Sandwich the Sandwich Generation

Sunday, May 15th, 2022

If you are taking care of your kids all day and taking care of your parents in your spare time, you understand the term sandwich generation. With your kids leaving the nest, you may find yourself devoting more time to your aging parents – a role that can be confusing, frustrating and exhausting. 

Protect Your Finances from Elder Abuse

Sunday, May 15th, 2022

Don’t pass on reading this blog thinking you are too savvy to be a victim of some kind of financial abuse--  a growing issue for seniors. Ask your friends. I suspect you will quickly hear of a ‘near miss’ if not a real victim. 

Take the Time to See if You are Eligible for VA Disability Compensation

Sunday, May 15th, 2022

If you were injured or became seriously ill while serving in the military, you may be eligible for VA disability compensation. In 2017, eligible veterans can receive up to $3,458 per month tax-free, depending on the level of disability and number of dependents.